Meine ersten Songs auf dem Bass
Essenzielle Bass Grooves
Rock Bass Kurs
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Smoke on the Water
Free – Einsteiger Crash Kurs
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Alle Songs nach Modul
Modul 2 - 1.Lage
Knocking on heavens Door
Modul 2 - 1.Lage
Streets of Philadelphia
Modul 3 - 8tel Noten
With or Without you
Modul 3 - 8tel Noten
Let it be
Modul 3 - 8tel Noten
Seven Nation Army
Modul 3 - 8tel Noten
Modul 4 - 2.Lage
Billie Jean
Modul 5 - Verbindung 2. und 3.Lage
Another Day in Paradise
Modul 7 - alle 3 Lagen
Modul 2 - 1.Lage
Knocking on heavens Door
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Modul 2 - 1.Lage
Streets of Philadelphia
PDF Noten/Tabs
Modul 3 - 8tel Noten
With or Without you
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Modul 3 - 8tel Noten
Let it be
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Modul 3 - 8tel Noten
Seven Nation Army
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Modul 3 - 8tel Noten
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Modul 4 - 2.Lage
Billie Jean
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Modul 5 - Verbindung 2. und 3.Lage
Another Day in Paradise
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Modul 7 - alle 3 Lagen
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